
potted species Learn more about potted species

  • Bonsai cultivation of leaf flower cultivation techniques

    Bonsai cultivation of leaf flower cultivation techniques

    The appearance of the leaf flower is not amazing and goes unnoticed. The three flowers are often clustered in three larger bracts, and the pedicels are connate with the veins of the medicine tablets. The bracts are time-shaped, with bright red, orange, purplish red, milky white, etc., similar to gorgeous petals, hence the name leaf flower, triangular flower. In winter and spring, colorful bracts unfold

  • Pot planting technique

    Pot planting technique

    Pot planting should first choose tree species, just to be on the safe side, you can choose local varieties. Then decide whether to plant the seeds from the beginning, and the trees should have the stage of rooting and growing before pruning and pruning, and the time required varies from tree species to tree species. Pay attention to making a good basin

    2020-11-09 Pot planting technology pot first selection tree species
  • A brief talk on the elegance and freshness of potted plant species

    A brief talk on the elegance and freshness of potted plant species

    A brief talk on the elegance and freshness of potted plant species

  • Shouyangzi, an excellent tree species of bonsai.

    Shouyangzi, an excellent tree species of bonsai.

    People who like flower and tree bonsai are Premna obtusifolia, also known as stinky Lady, Cha Niang, Qiao Niang, smelly Bauhinia, Cowbone Boy, thick Shell Boy, small Leaf Fish stinky Wood, Tofu Wood; the main varieties of bonsai in Taiwan.

  • How to grow succulent plants in cultivation of succulent plants

    How to grow succulent plants in cultivation of succulent plants

    How to grow succulent plants in cultivation of succulent plants

  • orchid species

    orchid species

    orchid species

  • Propagation methods of Paphiopedilum

    Propagation methods of Paphiopedilum

    Ramet propagation is the main propagation method of Paphiopedilum. Potted Paphiopedilum can be divided once every two or three years. Generally, there will be a short dormant period after flowering, and it can be divided at this time. First of all, take the plant out of the pot and clean up the soil from the roots so as not to hurt the buds. Separate the plants, each with two or three buds

  • Some experience on the production of Flammulina velutipes

    Some experience on the production of Flammulina velutipes

    Some experience on the production of Flammulina velutipes

  • Turn over the bonsai and change the soil

    Turn over the bonsai and change the soil

    The turning of bonsai trees can be determined according to the following aspects: (1) in general, small bonsai is turned once every 1-2 years, medium bonsai every 2-3 years, and large bonsai every 5 years. If it is an old tree pile scene, you can turn the basin every few years. (2) the tree species with exuberant growth and like fertilizer have more times of turning pots and shorter interval years, while those species with slow growth and less fertilizer need less pots turning times and longer interval years. The old pile scene of pine and cypress should not be turned over more. (3) the tree species with luxuriant branches and leaves and well-developed roots should turn the pot frequently.

  • Enjoy the bonsai modeling pictures of bamboo and cypress!

    Enjoy the bonsai modeling pictures of bamboo and cypress!

    The bonsai picture of bamboo and cypress can be seen here. Friends who like it can raise a pot of bamboo and cypress at home. Try to make a beautiful bonsai for it.

  • How does the sea cucumber grow in winter?

    How does the sea cucumber grow in winter?

    Hylocereus, this is a lot of people like to cultivate, this Hylocereus bloom or quite good-looking, Hylocereus cultivation method is what kind of? Hyacinth winter deciduous Mody: Hyacinth breeding methods: soil selection, selection of good drainage, good permeability of sandy loam as a cultivation substrate

  • How to propagate five-color plum, cutting key points / terminal buds or tender branches of five-color plum can be used.

    How to propagate five-color plum, cutting key points / terminal buds or tender branches of five-color plum can be used.

    Five-color plum can not only be cultivated artificially, but also can be planted in the wild. If it is raised at home, it can play the ornamental value of the function of five-color plum. Whether it is open field or potted, the problem of reproduction should be considered when the five-color plum grows to a certain stage.

  • What about the withered Australian fir leaves, replenishing light / reasonable fertilization / replacing alkaline soil

    What about the withered Australian fir leaves, replenishing light / reasonable fertilization / replacing alkaline soil

    As one of the three largest ornamental trees in the world, Australian fir is very effective. It not only looks good, can relieve eye fatigue, but also has a powerful function of purifying air. But when the Australian fir leaves wither, all this good will leave us, at this time flower friends must be very urgent! that

  • Longevity flowers do not grow leaves do not bloom? Let's see if you overlook these points.

    Longevity flowers do not grow leaves do not bloom? Let's see if you overlook these points.

    Longevity flowers do not grow leaves and do not blossom, but what to do. The editor tells you that you may not have paid attention to these points for longevity flower culture.

  • The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The leaf shape of the yellow vein jazz bed is correct, although the adult plant can be up to 2 meters high, but some friends still like to say that the yellow vein jazz bed is made into a large potted plant to be placed in the hall to improve the environment. It is also very beautiful to have yellow flowers at the top of the bed in summer.

  • Is Red-backed Cinnamomum poisonous? grafting breeding method

    Is Red-backed Cinnamomum poisonous? grafting breeding method

    Red back cinnamon, as its name implies, its leaf back is red, is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, but how many people know about it? Is the total plant poisonous and so on a series of questions, we do not know we are going to find out. Is the red back cinnamon poisonous? Red back cinnamon is poisonous.

  • Main points of sowing and propagation of Liquidambar formosana

    Main points of sowing and propagation of Liquidambar formosana

    Liquidambar formosana is one of the most important ornamental tree species in China. Because of its rapid growth, wide adaptation, light preference and barren tolerance, it is not difficult to cultivate Liquidambar formosana. In addition, the resin of Liquidambar formosana has certain medicinal value, so the economic value of Liquidambar formosana is very high. Liquidambar formosana is often propagated by sowing.

  • Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Corydalis

    Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Corydalis

    Evening incense is a special ornamental flower. Flower friends who like it all know that it has a certain ornamental value and medicinal value. If some flower lovers want to breed their own nocturnal incense, they might as well consider the method of cutting propagation.

  • Softwood Cuttage Propagation techniques of North American Holly

    Softwood Cuttage Propagation techniques of North American Holly

    At present, there is no big breakthrough in hardwood cuttage of American holly, and the effect is not good when the seedling rate reaches 50%. Softwood cutting is the main means of propagation of most garden plants, and it is also the main way to breed seedlings in foreign countries. Next, let's introduce the propagation techniques of softwood cuttings of North American holly.

  • Learn how to raise asparagus to keep plants away from disease and keep them healthy forever.

    Learn how to raise asparagus to keep plants away from disease and keep them healthy forever.

    Asparagus this kind of flower has been loved by the majority of flower lovers because of its unique shape. However, some people do not know how to raise asparagus, which makes their asparagus grow unhealthily. Today, we will talk to you about how to raise asparagus.
